Say awooo to Growler Linux

The floofiest operating system known to furkind

What is Growler Linux?

  • Growler Linux is an operating system created by good boys for good boys and their friends, based on the Linux kernel and tons of other fluffy pieces of software :3

Why should I use Growler Linux?

  • Growler Linux is a rolling-release distribution based on Arch Linux and the pacman package manager, which means you cuties will have access to the latest releases of your favourite packages uwu
  • bork
  • 🏳️‍🌈

Growler Linux is FAST! While the Cheetah might be the fastest land animal, Growler Linux is the fastest critter running on x86!

Growler Linux was designed from the ground up by furries for furries. Expect floof, cuddles and drama!!

Growler Linux was created with crossplatform compatibility in mind! Builds for Gameboy Color and Growler's microwave coming soon~

Now, what are you waiting for?!?

Download Growler Linux NOW ¹ ²

growlerdownload             growlerdownload

  Download for x86_64                    Download for 🥔

¹ or risk getting bitten by a big bad woof!!

² actual critter may vary, picture on the right provided for reference purposes only!